22 Oct 2024

Roofing Awards 2025–Get Ready!

We'll soon be announcing details of the 2025 UK Roofing Awards. Until then, NFRC Technical and Training team have some helpful pointers to give you a headstart with your submission.

It’s not long to go now before you can submit a roofing project for the 2025 Roofing Awards. NFRC Technical and Training Team are keen to offer some helpful pointers for Members to consider when submitting their projects.

The shortlisting panel and team of judges look at five key elements when scoring entries;

  • Complexity
  • Challenge
  • Workmanship
  • Safety
  • Project Management

When writing your narrative, give careful consideration as to how your project demonstrates each of the above.

Never underestimate the Safety element of your entry. NFRC takes pride in its Members' low accident rate and its ongoing work in this area. You could have the most fantastic project, but if your safety is not fantastic, your entry will lose vital points. This not only applies to the narrative but those shortlisting are scrutinising your photos to ensure you are demonstrating good health and safety.

Never underestimate the value of good quality photos to accompany your entry. The shortlisting panels and judging team can’t see your project in the flesh so the photos you submit should quite literally show off your project. However, it’s not just the finished project they want to see. Your entry should show the entire project from the beginning, demonstrating the challenges, difficulties and technical skills faced when undertaking the project. Read the write ups from previous winners and what made them stand out.

If you have any questions regarding the roofing awards, please contact [email protected]

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