ONS construction output in Great Britain, February 2023

According to ONS (Office of National Statistics), February was a month of growth in construction output for both new work and repair, maintenance and improvement work.

ONS data indicates that monthly construction output in February increased 2.4 per cent in volume terms, follows a 1.7 per cent fall in January. February boasted the highest monthly value in level terms (£15,558 million) since records began in January 2010. Output was up in both repair and maintenance (4.5 per cent) and new work (1.1 per cent). Anecdotal evidence suggested that the increase in February 2023 could be partially attributed to a bounce back from the fall in January 2023, but also to continued strength across repair and maintenance. Many firms also noted better weather in February, which allowed them to get more work done.

Read the full report.