23 May 2024

NFRC Scotland Host Construction Skills Demonstration

NFRC hosts Construction Skills demonstration outside Scottish Parliament.

On May 16, NFRC Scotland welcomed students from Edinburgh, Fife, Scottish Borders and North Lanarkshire to the Construction Skills demonstration outside Scottish Parliament. We were thrilled to see many young individuals show a keen interest in learning the roofing trade, and with the help of Compass Roofing we were able to offer a hands on experience to practice dressing and laying slates on roofing rigs. These events are invaluable and must continue to engage the next generation of talent to help address the skills shortage and encourage more young people to enter our thriving industry.

Huge thanks to Gordon Macdonald MSP and Alex Rowley MSP for sponsoring the day. We were delighted to welcome 25 MSPs* including Alison Johnstone MSP (Presiding Officer), with many getting involved in the practical demonstrations themselves.

*Not in Ministerial capacity. Thanks to Scottish Traditional Building Forum for capturing photos throughout the day. We will be at the Royal Highland Show at Ingliston from 20 to 23 June and look forward to meeting with many more youngsters eager to find their path in roofing.