23 Apr 2024

NFRC in search for UK team to enter at IFD World Championship

The search for a UK Team to enter the pitched roofing category at the IFD World Championship in Austria in November is well underway.

To win a coveted place in the UK roofing team NFRC is running a practical skills competition on the 8 and 9 July at CoRE (Centre of Roofing Excellence) training facility in Hereford for six competitors.

If you have a young roofer that has the skill, drive, determination and an appetite to compete on the world stage please apply by emailing Jo Lear: [email protected] with the following information by close of play Friday 10 May:

- Name of applicant

- Covering letter telling us about your young workers achievements (max 200 words).

- Photographs showcasing their skill and technical abilities (max 10).

If the applicant attended a roofing college, provide the name of the college and tutor Please note that all candidates must meet the following criteria Must be employed by an NFRC member Not be more than twenty-eight years old in the competition year If successful have a valid passport to travel to Austria If successful willing to commit to ten days of training in the run up to the competition Once the entry date has closed applications will be reviewed by our team of mentors and the winning six entries will be invited to CoRE in Hereford to compete in a practical competition for a place in the UK team.

Any questions, please contact Jo Lear: [email protected]