A. Proctor Group Ltd

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The A. Proctor Group has, for nearly 50 years, been serving the construction industry with an extensive portfolio of technically advanced thermal, acoustic and membrane products. The Group provides a wide range of high quality, innovative solutions which are designed to meet the continuously evolving requirements of the construction industry. Our commitment to keeping pace with this evolution has led to the group’s expansion, today encompassing five individual divisions. This unique diversity gives us the ability to consider buildings holistically, and hence to develop systems that complement each other across a wide range of sectors. Our close links with the industry, both academics and construction professionals, combined with our broad in house knowledge base gives us the ability to innovate, anticipate and create in whichever sectors we choose to compete.

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Information is provided by NFRC members, periodically reviewed by NFRC compliance team. NFRC is only able to deal with complaints against a member where they relate to the roofing disciplines listed above.

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